» Products /Ground Support Equipments / Power Bus
The PowerBus is used to service printed circuit boards, instruments and systems, which has Micro controller / Microprocessor. The PowerBus has RS232 Communication for PC interface. The PowerBus connects to the UUT through the microprocessor / micro controller socket. The UUTs microprocessor / micro controller is removed from the UUT and it is replaced by the PowerBus. The Power Bus adapts microprocessor specific function as pin layouts, status / control function, interrupt handling, timing and memory and I / O addressability.
The PowerBus adapts the general-purpose architecture to specific architecture of 8051 and 80x86 microprocessor families.
MS51, MS85, MS86Mi, MS 86Mx, MS186, MS186EA, MS186EB, MS286, MS386EX, MS386DX, MS486DX2